Julie Harris, Registered Dietitian, RDN, LDN, CPT 

Julie Harris, a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer, has spent the past 13 years in the health and fitness world. 

Julie helps drive and increase health engagement through content marketing and implementing wellness programs and health services. She has a passion for developing programs that are inclusive, diverse, and address the whole-person. 


Career History

One project she is most proud of is opening the Montage Resort, Park City fitness and wellness center in 2010. She created the group fitness schedule and brought unique exercise classes (like eLIGNABAR, TRX, and outdoor spin class) to the top of the mountain. Julie led the creation of the Altitude Training for Athletes program. Athletes from around the world recognized the value of training at the Montage since it lives at over 8,000 feet.  

Julie Harris with the opening team at Montage Deer Valley spa and wellness center. 

During the past several years, Julie has worked with health technology companies (StayWell, Welldoc), driving engagement and utilization of products. She has implemented new wellness programs for a large health plan in Grand Junction, Colorado, employer groups around the country, and brought diabetes solutions to high-risk populations. 

Julie’s strategic plans help clients increase engagement rates and see better health outcomes. One client has seen engagement rates increase by 33% because of the marketing campaigns implemented.  

Her goal is to create communications and user experiences that increase engagement, improve health outcomes, and encourage, empower, and educate people with chronic diseases. 

She has worked closely with large health systems, health plans, and employer groups to implement and manage health and wellness solutions. Julie develops strategic plans to help drive behavior change in different populations. 

Community Involvement 

Julie is active in the nutrition information community, serving as author, editor, and reviewer for various publications. She has published work in the National Strength and Conditioning Journal and the American College of Sports Medicine Journal. 

One of the youngest committee members, Julie served on the American College of Sports Medicine Exam Development Committee. This committee was responsible for writing, editing, and ensuring the accuracy of the exams that certify fitness professionals. 

Julie Harris on the Exam Development Committee for the American College of Sports Medicine. 

Freelance Work

Very passionate about sharing accurate information, Julie is a freelance writer. She enjoys writing on behavioral health, emotional health, diabetes nutrition, eating disorders, and nutrition for endurance athletes. 

She started her writing career with LiveStrong in 2008 and has since been quoted in Washington Post, Denver Post, and Sass Magazine.  

Read examples of her work at https://journals.lww.com/nsca-scj/Abstract/2020/02000/Eating_Disorders_in_Male_Runners.7.aspx, https://www.welldoc.com/users-blog/ and https://mykokoronutrition.com/



Julie earned a bachelor’s degree in exercise science from California State University in 2007. After working in the industry for several years, Julie went back to earn a second degree in dietetics from University of Northern Colorado, graduating with a 4.0 GPA. 

After completing her degree, she completed 1280 hours of supervised practice with the Keith and Associates Distance Internship. During Julie’s internship at Washington County Public Schools, she helped develop the Smart Snack program and created unique marketing materials to drive awareness of the project. The program’s primary goal is to offer snacks that students enjoy that are also healthy. 

In 2018, Julie passed the ACEND registered dietitian exam. 


Julie is a certified American College of Sports Medicine personal trainer and is certified in yoga. Her favorite type of yoga class to teach is vinyasa classes and yoga speciality classes, like yoga for eating disorder recovery. 


Nutrition Philosophy 

Her nutrition philosophy is all foods fit. Eat foods that make you feel good inside and out. 

Julie has training in intuitive eating and applies these principles to her work with athletes and in her own endurance training. 

Athletes see improved running performance and fewer injuries when they adhere to intuitive eating. 

Personal Life

Her personal love for running and her grandfather passing away from diabetes were a few reasons that encouraged her to start a career in health and wellness.

When she isn’t working, Julie loves trail running and being outdoors. She has run several half marathons, a few marathons, and even completed her first 50-miler race in 2020. Many of her running friends appreciate that Julie loves to bake, as she loves to share what she bakes and her recipes. 

Follow Julie on LinkedIn and Instagram

Julie Harris completing the Stone Mill 50-Miler Endurance Race.  


Additional References: 

4 Ways Eating Sweets Affects Your Body; Sass Magazine: https://sassmagazine.com/4-ways-eating-sweets-affects-your-body/

5 Foods that Boost Brain Health; Sass Magazine: https://sassmagazine.com/5-foods-that-boost-brain-health/

6 Delicious Post-Workout Recipes with Chickpeas: Sass Magazine: https://sassmagazine.com/post-workout-recipes-with-chickpeas/

Athletes: Embrace the Sweat; Denver Post: https://www.denverpost.com/2015/08/21/athletes-embrace-the-sweat/

Carbohydrate Needs for Endurance Runners; The Steeps: https://steeplechasers.org/2018/09/15/carbohydrate-needs-for-endurance-runners/

Consumer Health Digest: https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/author/julie-harris

From Eating Disorders to Thriving; Possibility Change:https://possibilitychange.com/eating-mindfully/

Have You Tried Intuitive Eating?; Sass Magazine: https://sassmagazine.com/intuitive-eating/

Health Insiders: https://www.healthinsiders.com/profile/julie-harris

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day; Welldoc: https://www.welldoc.com/resource-library/registered-dietitian-nutritionist-day/

Sweat not only keeps you safe during a workout, it improves performance; Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/sweat-its-what-makes-athletes-cool/2015/08/18/9d502eac-41d2-11e5-8ab4-c73967a143d3_story.html

The Big List of Companies that Pay to Write: https://payhip.com/b/L4Va